Borkovic on top in Salzburg FP1

Written by: Fanni Váradi | Photo: TCR Series
The First Free Practice started under the threat of rain in slightly wet conditions n Salzburg this morning. All the drivers drove out to the track after the green lights went off. Craft Bamboo drivers showed an incredible performance during yesterday’s test sessions, went took the first three positions. James Nash opened on top with a 1:31.992 laptime. Vervisch and Nash were fighting for P1, and got faster and faster at the Salzburgring until Jean-Karl Vernay paced a 1:26.821 laptime an took the first place.

Comini was a bit too much on his fast lap, and left the track , but could manage to take his car back to the track after a short visit in the grass and gravel. Borkovic also slipped a bit, but he was lucky and got off without any consequences.

The Hungarian Ferenc Ficza was not that lucky, he was on P4 when he slipped and had a heavy crash at Turn 9. He lamented cause of his waist, but hopefully he is ok.

A longer red flag session followed the accident, as the barriers had to be repaired, to continue the session, which had been delayed.

At 10:38 the session restarted, with 16 minutes to go.

The craft bamboo driver Oriola was the first who had fast lap following the restart. The Spanish driver improved on all his sectors, and got to P10 from P 21.

Local driver Thomas Jäger jumped to P3 with his Opel until Mato Homola arrived and took P2 before Vernay. The Austrian made local audience’s heart good with improving his best time and taking the first place.

When only 9 minutes left, Comini took the leader position with 1:26.608 followed by Altoé, Homola and Jäger. Gregoire Demoustier showed his quickness and jumped to P2 with only 0.108 seconds behind Comini until the other Italian Roberto Colgiago took it away from him.

Things changed fast in the top Borkovic jumped to P1 ahead of Vernay and Comini, Colciago and Demoustier.

Daniel Lloyd took P3 from Colciago, who took P2 instead a lap later.

When only 7 seconds left Duncan Ende crashed the barriers and fended up in the gravel.

The 30 minutes long session finished with a red flag. Dusan Borkovic on top with a 1:26.356 ahead of Roberto Colciago and Jean-Karl Vernay. Yesterday’s fastest driver Daniel Lloyd finished P4 followed by Comini, the other Craft Bamboo driver Pepe Oriola , Demoustier, Altoé, Homola and the local driver Thomas Jäger.
FP2 starts at 12:00 local time.
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